When is it too early for the C word ? (Christmas just in case you thought I meant the naughty one!)

I've been quiet for a little bit as my arms have been really bad so I couldn't type.

I used the time to have a think about products etc and new designs and paintings, whist looking after my body and pain.

And then Christmas popped into my head. Now.... normally I don't really do Christmas. We're not a religious family, we have no young children and my cats destroy any attempt to decorate so I kind of gave up. Before my condition developed I spent most Christmas holidays skydiving abroad or snowboarding. I'm even part of a funny group on Facebook for all the Christmas grumps out there.....But as a business and an artist I have to be prepared. I know I'll have lots of custom orders in the run up and want to make sure I have time to make them, but so that I'm not too busy, as first and foremost I have to look after my Fibro.

I was thinking about doing it anyway, but when I sat down and thought of timescales, I realised it's the perfect time to set up a payment plan for original art commissions. I'm aware that art can be expensive, but broken down into small payments every month makes it accessible to everyone.

So it's time to decide......who's been a good pup this year and deserves a truly unique gift?

christmas gifts


I can paint almost anything you'd like (except people!) so it's not limited to pet portraits at all. So, if you'd like to set up a payment plan on Paypal... get in touch. Can you imagine the look on your loved one's faces when they unwrap a custom painted original piece just for them ?


christmas gifts Geometric lion

So whether it's home decor, a pet portrait or something weird and wonderful get in touch with Inkterior Art to arrange your own plan.


You can also find examples on my Facebook page


Don't worry, I'm not wishing away summer..... it can stick around a bit longer!

Laura Gray

Inkterior Art


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