It's never too late to do what makes you happy
So.... I've just eaten my body weight in kit kats and twix bars... and it's given me the sugar rush to write a blog.
If you're a follower of my page on Facebook... then you'll probably have already seen that I've been offered a place at Bolton Uni studying art!
If you're not aware of my story... here's it in a nutshell......
8 years ago I was in a car accident and from that developed Fibromyalgia. Jump 6 and a half years into the future and I was struggling to find my way. I didn't have much of a life and struggled with maintaining positivity whilst managing my condition. I decided to go to a hobby art class once a week just for something to do... and soon realised I could actually paint.
Why now?
Painting is my therapy, it helps with mindfulness and gives me something fun to do with the added bonus that you guys seem to like what I create. So, 2 weeks ago I woke up one morning and thought.... 'I want to take it further'. I love my art class that I go to, and my teacher has been so encouraging, but now feel it's time to see where I can take my talent. I need more guidance, in types of mediums and subject matter.
So, I took a look on the university website and the next day there was an open day. Everything happens for a reason right? I know I had the random thought to go to Uni just at the right time.... so off i went to have a chat with the tutors and show them my work.

And a week later I was accepted. So for the next 6 years I'll be a Mature Student with a disability.
As you'll know, I'm a pretty positive person, so when I say this... I'm not being big headed... just confident believing in myself..... 'I know I'll do well'.
I know it'll be a challenge for me, managing my fibro and the course (that's why I'm doing part time) but I also know I'll thrive there.
I'm so excited for the future now, it's a feeling I've not had in a long time. I hope you stick around to see all the weird and wonderful things I create.
And... maybe one day you'll get to say..... Laura Gray... I know that artist... I've followed her from the beginning and now look at her... an eccentric billionaire with 50 sphynx cats! (ok... so the cat thing and the eccentric thing is happening already...... just waiting for the billions!)