2023 - lets get excited!

Dare I say it, the big C word is fast approaching, which means it's nearly a new year! As requested by my loyal followers, I've created a couple of calendars for 2023 which offer something for everyone.

I find it fascinating where a lot of our English words come from, but especially old words that are no longer used. There are some highly amusing words from our past that I think we need to bring back! That's what prompted me to create the 'naughty' 2023 calendar. These are all words that were once used in the UK! 


For those that aren't keen on cheeky swears though, I've also created a 'nice' 2023 calendar which comprises of beautiful old English words with lovely meanings. Some are still used but a lot have become obsolete, which is a shame. 

Here's some examples of the mixed media art work included in both calendars!

Nice Calendar examples!


2023 watercolour calendar
Naughty calendar examples!
To see all of the art work you use this link to view both options.
There's also going to be a page at the back for any important notes, contact numbers to remember and dates that need to go in your 2024 diary (yes I know it's scary to think that far ahead!)
These calendars will have a very limited run so if you'd like one get your pre orders in, or contact me to secure your choice if you're not ready to purchase just yet. They'll go to print week commencing 14th November 2022.
They're just £13 +p each or if you'd like one of each ( as they make perfect gifts!) they're £22 for 2 + postage.
You can find both calendars here. Each has the option to buy one of each.
If you'd like more, get in touch!

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